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            Nera Butcher  Head @             Hogarth Primary

"Hannah had a huge impact on pupils knowledege and love of music. She was inspirational to many and intertwined music through the wider curriculum. Hannah is a child centered practitioner, she continually exceeded targets and was very easy to work with."

Scott Halliwell Head @ Southwood Primary   

"Hannah has made an immediate impact on the teaching and learning of music at Southwood since joining the school. She has ignited a passion for music for many of our children, with lessons being fully inclusive, active, fast-paced and fun! Our children can't wait for their next lesson or for their lunchtime choir session."

Matt Murphy Head @ Henry Green Primary

"We were looking for a music specialist to raise the profile of music across the school and deliver high quality music lessons.  Hannah has undoubtedly done this. Hannah also delivered CPD with observations and team teaching. She has worked on improving our music curriculum. The standards of the singing coming from the choir is now excellent."

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